Project description

UNEP defined emerging environmental issue as ‘an issue with either a positive or negative global environmental impact that is recognized by the scientific community as very important to human well being, but has not yet received adequate attention from the policy community’.

The UNEP Emerging Environmental Issues take the pulse of the planet and enhances UNEP's ability to provide regular, science based updates to its member states and the international community on the status and trends of the global environment.The process scans the scientific literature, analyses results of earth observations and other data sources to produce widely distributed alerts, focussing on policy relevant environmental hotspots, environmental science in an easily understandable format. They are peer reviewed by accredited scientists and experts. They are based on cutting-edge scientific studies.

UNEP/GRID-Geneva produced 3 types of publications regarding Emerging Environmental Issues.

Concise reports (4 to 16 pages)

The Environmental Alert Bulletins (EAB) – 12 issues produced between 2003 and 2008.

The Global Environment Alert Service (GEAS) - 10 issues produced between 2011 and 2014.

In-depth Emerging Issues

-Policy Implications of Warming Permafrost (2011)

-Global Honey Bee Colony Disorder and Other Threats to Insect Pollinators (2010)

-Environmental consequences of ocean acidification: a threat to food security (2010)

UNEP foresight

Provides an authoritative ranking of the most important emerging issues related to the global environment.The Process involved lively debates about issues within a Foresight Panel of 21 distinguished scientists from around the world and subjected to further comment by more than 420 scientists worldwide. The Panel looked at candidate issues from all sides, and challenged their importance and timeliness.

-21 Issues for the 21st Century: Results of the UNEP Foresight Process on Emerging Environmental Issues (2012)

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